Wizard Oeuf
A messenger hawk flew low over the Praven lands in the North. After circling the fortress, which was mounted on Miscellania, the predator made his approach. It landing on one the northern turrets. Attached on one of the predator's talons a crimson colored string held a small piece of rolled parchment in place. Upon unrolling the parchment, one would find a brief message written in crimson ink.
King Lokrem,
I write in order to convey my congratulations on your decisive victory in the North. It is an inspiring thing, indeed, to see the free peoples of the North fight courageously in the face of certain tyranny and emerge victorious as one, united people. We stand with you, King of the North.
Jacob Calderon.
Jacob Calderon,
Perhaps, or at least I would like to think that we did my father a justice and that is in no small way a great relief to the strong people of the Isles, as well as me personally. A thank you in no way suffices for the great honor you afforded me, as fighting at your side was no less than a great honor; nor does it repay the debt owed to your troop for your service in this battle, a selfless effort that you took upon yourself to see through. So, it will not be a simple thank you, but a sentiment that will conclude this letter-- To you and your men I extend my own oath to repay your aid, to adopt your enemies as evils, and place faith in your cause. You can count on the Isles.
Lokrem Ror'Steel, son of Rokrem Ror'Steel-- King of the North.
This letter would travel with the predator back to its home with the Armsmen, bearing an unremarkable seal. Perhaps the most remarkable feature was a lion that the fourteen year old had drawn across the bottom of the page with the deep shades of the ink. His shortcomings in regards to penmanship in no way affected the moderate skill by which the beast was drawn.
"Thank you for the tragedy, I need it for my art."