Tis the time of year millions of Sprouts give up their lives for Christmas.
So eat up your Sprouts and enjoy them. Good for you too.
Some make you fart and others don't. Good luck with them lol.
Amazing Benefits Of Sprouts.
Low Calorie Treat. A bowl of sprouts, about 100 grams, contains just a little over 100 calories, packed with all the essential nutrients. ...
Filled with fibre. ...
Power Packed with Protein. ...
Reduces cholesterol. ...
Cleanses the Body. ...
Improves Eyesight. ...
Promotes Hair Growth. ...
Arrests Signs Of Ageing.
A lot on that list will help me for sure. Especially Hair growth lol. The Reduces Cholesterol is great news for me as mine is a tough high. Well higher then it should be.
if you need something to cover / change the taste of something so much to make them good, then they originally are not good, but what you are covering it in is good.