Wild Bill63
@Von, as I said, only sometimes. I don't elect when it happens by the way, it just happens. But yeah if a pet did die and someone was a total wreck over it and that bit of knowledge just comes to me then yeah I'd totally know. Sometimes I don't know the details but I have a general idea of what's going on and why.
A few weeks ago someone was stressing out. Looking at them you'd think they were content, just paying full attention to the person who was at the time talking, but I still /knew/ what was going on without them ever having told me. That person didn't say anything to anyone so after said person was done talking and the event was over I went up to this person and told them that they were worried about a situation and to stop being bashful about it. After I said that THEN she admitted that she was indeed thinking exactly what I stated.
As you saw I left out specifics. I did that for a reason.
Yes, I know some people seem to have that ability...some more than others. It's a bit uncanny. It's wise to leave out specifics, especially if you don't know if that person would/would not appreciate personal experiences being put out on a public forum. You never know who may be reading the post. Even if you left out the name(s), there may be someone who knows someone who had that exact same experience and open a very large can of worms. You never know, you may have unknowingly, unintentionally started World War 3 for someone.
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