No. I am in contact with the ones that were my friends, but I always keep my network open. There are very few people I would turn down due to how they acted on highschool or college.
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known
Some of them i do miss and wonder what they are doing now in life and what careers they have. Been over 10 years since grad for me so been quite awhile, coming from a small town school (under 20 in my class) we became good friends and study buddy's then. Moving to city kinda lost touch with them all but hope they are doing well in life.
ORA High Council Member
LODJ RS3 Division
Sometimes I miss some of them. Though, I do more reminiscing rather than feeling upset about not seeing them anymore. We've all grown up, so who is to say that they aren't even the same people that they once were? Maybe they're on the other side of the planet right now? Interesting topic!
Not particularly, I have a group of friends that I went to school with whom I've stayed in contact with, surprisingly we're all quite successful, senior managers in companys, leaders of professional bodies, couple of Business owners, surprising for 'the outcasts' in school
other than that I don't think twice about anybody I went to school with, the same way I don't walk around the supermarket and wonder what it's like to be a carrot
I absolutely do, a lot of the people I hung around with in school also played RuneScape so it was good competition and banter in school between us all and aside from that at break time and lunch we used to hang out in the practice rooms in the music department, eat lunch, have a jam at some songs before heading back to class.
It's not until you leave school do you realize how good it was, to have little responsibility & care in the world other than the stress of homework, studying & exams perhaps lol
I had a very brief conversation with a few classmates once every 5 years or so. After high school we all went to a different path and faced the world on our own.
As for my wife, she sometimes check in with her best friend from same elementary school two decades ago to see how she was doing (she is one year older than my wife).
31-Mar-2021 08:19:53
- Last edited on
31-Mar-2021 08:39:12
Noble Hagrid
From before college, I miss just about no one (due to extensive bullying they put me through), save for the few who I'm still close with today. When it comes to friends from higher education, much more so, and I keep in touch with quite a few of them.