I take breaks from games and it does overall improve my mind. I had anxiety when I had no access to internet other than the library for a few months, that's my limit.
It's all about that good ol' dopamine, the "oh yeah, give me more" magic ingredient
Thing is our brain builds up tolerance to this substance, so we will need higher doses to achieve the same effect and thus we -more or less- get hooked to a gaming experience.
Pretty much the same as drug abuse.
Like many pointed out, it's best to take breaks and maybe do something else.
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there
When does something become an addiction? Games are fun, especially for kids, they let you be what you cannot IRL, a hero, a soilder, a racecar driver, ect. The list goes on and on. If you play in your freetime and use up all your freetime i dont consider that an addiction. Besides games get boring after long enough, all of them do.
Now if your not doing anything but play games and sleep or you drop out of school to play a game (which is apparently what zezima did.) then id say thats a problem, you cant just play games and expect everything in life to be handed to you, but i figure people will grow the brain cells to realize that after they run out of money for the next new 70$ game or skin pack.
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