On page 268 of Salvation. Won't be taking any books home this weekend, not visiting moms house this weekend. Next weekend I'll probably take Firefight by Brandon Sanderson home. Next wednesday I'll be buying The Rift Coda and The James Lovegrove Collection, or maybe books on my printed book list. Hopefully I won't forget the list.
Just picked up The Resurrection Key by Andy McDermott from chapters. Now to wait around February 5th 2020 for The Spear of Atlantis to arrive to continue the Wilde & Chase adventures.
On page 406 of Salvation. On Wednesday I will be ordering Invasion by Mercedes Lackey, the James Lovegrove Collection and maybe The Rift Coda. I already have the entire 9 book Marines in Space series by Ian Douglas so I don't really need to spend so much on books. I will be checking chapters every week to see if the other books in the Secret World Chronicle are available. The cover of Avalanche is probably the final thulian robot the heroes fight, wondering how they defeat the hydra assuming its a robot.
Just ordered Paradox Bound by Peter Clines and Invasion by Mercedes Lackey. Paradox Bound will arrive by November 29 and Invasion will arrive on Boxing Day. Couldn't pass up the opportunity to get Paradox Bound for the discount price of $8 dollars. Think these two are the only books I'll order this month. Aiming to order a couple the first and third weeks of January. Can't pick up Invasion until the 27th, I'm usually afk during Christmas.
I'm still occasionally chipping away at
The Green Mile
. I've seen the movie, and heard the audio book version, but I still like to read it to see if I can pick up new things in the story I missed before.
Food scientists have finally managed to remove the mint flavor from gum! The ex-spearmint was a success!
I'm still occasionally chipping away at
The Green Mile
. I've seen the movie, and heard the audio book version, but I still like to read it to see if I can pick up new things in the story I missed before.
I added
The Green Mile
to my to-read list just the other day. I've been watching a lot of Stephen King talks on YouTube, so now I'm interested in reading one of his novels. So far, the only thing of his that I've read is his memoir, [I]On Writing[/I].
I also added
Pet Sematary
to my to-read list based on a YouTube review I saw.
Jeremy C
23-Nov-2019 02:55:53
- Last edited on
23-Nov-2019 02:56:35
Jeremy C