On page 75 of Fix. Unfortunately my order for Morningstar Strain book #5 was delayed until November by the publisher, but I'm okay with that as the only book I'll be buying is Only Human next month. Or maybe not as it will be 3 months to buy my gaming pc if I don't buy anything but toilet paper.
I wondered about Kara Meir's story since the first world event after Guthix's death. She's definitely more bad ass than I knew. The balls she must've had to fearlessly take on a werewolf with and adamant longsword at 17 or so. A nice backstory to what Jerrod was doing on the other side of the Salve. The majority of my 12 years of Runescape I've wanted to know how Doric got that wolfbane dagger in his shop.
Book's been soothing both my curiosity for lore and nostalgia of the 5th age at the same time. I hope someday Church releases some 6th age books.
Apparently Only Human is the final book in the Themis Files. A bit disappointed but my wallet is happy. Will wait until it's released in paperback to save $20.
I enjoyed my last Nick Hornby book so I'm reading this one of his, High Fidelity.
I'm about 3/4 through this book and never realized that men, well some men were like this, thought like this, go through this with relationship breakups
If fat means flavour then I'm ******* delicious!
10-Apr-2018 02:12:49
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14-Apr-2018 01:23:51
Dong U Dead
On page 176 of Fix. My book store doesn't seem to have Star Carrier #8 Bright Light in their datebase at the store but I did preorder it so it has to exist. Only 8 months to go before I can pick it up.
On page 206 of Fix. Due to my current computer's incurable virus infestation I will not be purchasing any books this month. I'd rather have a clean, new computer than a bunch of tomes.
Still need to read my Bible though.
12-Apr-2018 05:02:00
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12-Apr-2018 05:03:16
Jeremy Cheng