Daddy Roshi
funny thing about the wind power is a lot of people dont like the idea of it because "we'll run out of wind"
Thats the only issue with them.
I've seen several days in the UK where no wind turbines turn at all. So they have to use other electric to kepe us going. We as a World can't just rely on wind turbines as there will be days we have no wind.
I can't see us ever running out of wind. I also don't have a clue how it's made. Which may seem odd. I just don't know lol.
Googled it and found this very interesting to read.
I don't mind turbines if they are placed away from forests/open water. They do cause disturbances to wild life/sea life.
@tuffty regarding the sinking turbines, glad they are sinking tbh, they shouldn't be there in the first place.
----My report on the matter----
If one won't place said turbines in your own backyard due to sound/viewing issues,
what is left for the wild life to survive and we hardly left them much tbh, where i live anyways.
^also some say you get headaches from these, what will that do to the wild life? sorry to say but the world is just going to have that reality check that electric cars etc will never be a thing for
, only to save on a percentage.
I think those wall ones might be better tho. But won't fix the above issue but i won't mention it since these forums are too strict on 'off topic' but related stuff on why you need more power etc.
Edited out Just to add part as it contained false information and scaremongering chat. *
ofc u cant 100% rely on wind to power everything thats what hydroelectric dams are for as well cant "run out of water" but when i say run out of wind i mean they think if we use wind farms we'll eventually never have wind ever again like we run out of fossil fuels people are wild XD