Difficult to answer.
If something went wrong my typical approach is to begin examining the causal pathways. Regardless of whether the two separate or remain together, w/o conscious self-reflection by both parties, there's a high probability the event will occur again.
Sometimes people hurt everyone they get close to because they've failed to attend to certain matters within themselves.
Sometimes people attract those / are attracted to people who end up hurting them for the same reason.
The issue as far as I can tell is... "Look, this is where we are/where I am. Now, where are we/where am I going. Are we/Am I moving in a better direction or not?"
Of course that requires answering, "Where does 'better' look like?"
I think addressing the greyness of the issue may require examining the finer details of the case, although I appreciate your appreciation of abstraction.
A truth that's told with ill intent beats all the lies you can invent.
11-Jul-2022 03:44:30