I was chatting with a friend about this last Friday actually since I saw swarms of midges along the side of the highway on Lake Ontario, so many that you could see swirls of them from 100ft away and then we got onto this subject of the 17 year cycle of Cicada's
It'll be interesting to follow this and see what areas are impacted. Not sure if Southern Ontario will be but New York State is mentioned so maybe, and I've definitely heard them around here
Oddly, I’m terrified by all insects except cicadas. My favorite insect. Love playing with them. I’ll have to see if these 17-year olds will be in my area. Thanks so much for sharing!
I'd never heard of them, we don't have them in the UK. I'm glad we don't because I'm not keen on insects, I don't even like butterflies landing on me. Those cicadas are rather large and I'd freak out if one came near me.
On a warm summer evening, my backyard is full of them. I love listening to them. It's funny the way they will all be "singing" then suddenly stop...dead stop. The quiet is deafening. A minute later, they all start up at the same time. The singing of the Cicadas is compared in loudness to a lawn mower.
I found this wonderful documentary about the life cycle of the Cicadas. You have to scroll down a bit to see the video.