Still married to my husband. I will never forget when my state finaly legalized same sex marriages. Been a wonderful and rocky trip on this old rock for me. Served two tours in Vietnam, was drafted the day I graduated from high school and redrafted when I had a week left on my first tour. Retired Correctional Officer, worked death row for three executions in my state.
Have two wonderful adopted daughters whom my husband and I rescued from foster care. One thing about them that tells me that it was heaven ordained with them, was when we first started the adoption process, one of my daughters told her case worker that her and her sister was going to go live with two men, and one would have metal legs. This was before we had fully met them.
Still cancer free after ten years, though it did cost me both of my legs from the knees down. Was fighting osteosarcoma 2b, the sheer amount of drugs and radiation they pumped into me, it is a miracle I did not become a super hero from it.
Though I am married, sadly my husband does not live with us any more. He had to be placed in an assisted living home do to his Alzhimers, a horrid disease.
Started writing a memoir last month, titled Expect The Worst Hope For The Best: The Journey of Life, One Day and One Step at a time. Still meet once a year in January with the surviving members of my platoon, and let me tell you we are getting fewer and fewer each year.
I am also the proud fur papa to several chihuahuas, a boxer whom I rescued, well more along the lines of flat out took him, from an abusive owner, whom I witnessed abusing the poor guy on my way home from the store. Long story for a different day on him, it took a while before he would finaly trust me, the boxer that is.
The same goes for one my chihuahuas, that one is a miracle I did not go to jail over. Also the proud fur papa to a fennec fox named Jessy and a capybara named Franky. Those two are local celebrities and major hams.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.
18-Jan-2024 03:15:54
- Last edited on
18-Jan-2024 03:27:16