^ Great to see another Converge fan, All We Love We Leave Behind is a really fun album, still waiting for my vinyl and shirt to get here -.-. Its pretty much up there with Axe to Fall/You Fail Me for me.
What Do I Want to Know (Like Heavenly Kisses), Pt. 2 by Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O.
13-Oct-2012 22:57:17
- Last edited on
13-Oct-2012 23:01:51
Hills Silent
"Fernpunkt" by Hauschka
For reasons only known when the song itself is heard, this is the sort of song that causes me to get up and eerily do some sort of peculiar waltz. Sheer beauty.
Just your friendly neighborhood team player.
We can dance if we want to.
We can leave your friends behing.
Cus if your friends don't dance and if they don't dance,
well, they're no friends of mine.