@WHOLLY DEVIL On the 24th July you posted you were done with this thread and yet still posting and causing issues with your accounts including some alts.
I've gone ahead and removed several posts just to keep the peace within this thread. I've also removed several replies replying you on this thread. Just to keep the peace.
If you have questions or worries with the thread and feel inclided to post then make sure it's within the Rules. If not your posts and alt posts can and will be removed.
Also to other people if someone posts content not within the Rules or the topic of this thread please don't reply back as it causes further issues and more work hiding comments here.
Please stick to the topic.
If you wish to discuss other things then use the Chat thread. Can talk about anything within the rules there.
Kiwi Magic
Do you believe when you die that is the end of it all?
yes i do
as in yes i do believe that is the end
there is no reason to believe one, apart from wishful thinking. but yes there is no evidence to indicate there is an afterlife, and i dont believe there ever will be evidence for one even if there is a life after death.