To start off with, no this is not a story. I thought I would share the exploits of two of my pets to help take my mind off of my husband.
Let me first start out by introducing the two knuckleheads. Franky, is my male capybara. Jessy is my male fennec fox. Both are spoiled rotten and both love mischief from time to time.
In my house, when it comes to bath time. Yeah you gotta make sure the bathroom door is fully shut. Forgot about that last night when I went to soak. Thought I had it fully closed and did not think anything of it. Had just gotten into a nice warm spa tub, and started to relax when I heard my bottom legs, yes I have prosthetics, but that is a different topic for a different day, go clanging to the floor. I opened my eyes just in time to see Franky climbing into the tub with me, and Jessy dancing around on the floor wanting in too.
So we all three had a nice soothing soak, but next time I am going to make sure the door is fully closed.
Then there was the time that Franky decided he was going to go visit, at the time a neighbor from hell. We had forgot to latch the dog door and he went for a little walk. He stopped in her yard to not only smell her roses, but also eat every rose blossom he could get to. Went out and heard her shrieking like the harpy she was about a giant guinea pig eating her roses. That was when I knew. So I grabbed the leash and headed across the street to retrieve the miscreant. Get over there, she is having a fit, her husband is acting a fool shouting and spraying Franky with a hose. Yeah using water on a Capybara, not going to work. I get the leash on him and bring him back home, ten minutes later he comes the cops. Got a ten dollar ticket for disturbing the peace, and the cops had a good laugh about it. They got called out about a giant vicious guinea pig attacking roses.
The two officers did bring their families over to meet Franky that evening.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.
16-Sep-2023 22:04:33