I'm doing pretty good. Haven't played RuneScape much in the last several years but I'm back right now! Will probably get bored again and just drop off the internet entirely again. How about you?
If you liked that here's a good youtube channel for you, does a lot of Witch House which is the darker stuff https://www.youtube.com/user/nightmaresand808s
Baja Mali Knindza - Tata
I'm happy to be here!
9/10 - Definitely into this! Everything sounded really great. Music video was a bit strange though.
Tenhi - Näkin Laulu [1997 version]
From Finland
Brassica Prime:
Truly to be the most delicious is to wield this power. The power to create and destroy. And as the most delicious of gods, I am the font of this delicious power. From me spills all the deliciousness in creation.
08-Mar-2020 22:21:19
- Last edited on
08-Mar-2020 22:57:17
Super Ryan70
what was that. vocals were ok. my serbian is pretty bad so no idea what the lyrics were. the instruments tho. would take some getting used to lol
DAWN OF DISEASE - Where The Clouds Reach The Ground
The Serbian Turbofolk is great, you just need to understand that the best music was created during the Yugoslav wars. It's the energy that makes it great!