An Ur
Why have you done such a thing?
My mother said exactly the same thing when, as a teenager, I started decorating the walls of my room with lots of posters depicting heavy metal bands and changing from a colorful wardrobe into a 90% black one... including a beloved pair (still with me <3) of New Rock spiky, high-heel combat boots. My
mother's sense
of fashion when
I was little
isn't something I remember with joy: here in Spain parent's STILL dress their 3-10yr old kids abiding the "grandma style" rules
I remember the face of my mother when she realized her daughter... just grew up LMA0
That was back in 2001-2002. My ol' sister had this "normal girl evolution" (yuck!) back then: always dressed as an angel, good school notes, never into trouble... Bleh, she was a total compliant nerd. But we still love and help eachother: it is the only sis I have, after all
I guess you guys had or are having a similar situation: that moment of big changes
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there
An Ur
I like your style!
I've been abducted by an army of Harry Belafonte alien fans and they made experiments with me and then I just woke up in the middle of Karamja
What? Igerna is evolving...
Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake your body line!
Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake it all the time!
Congratulations! Your Igerna evolved into IGUANA!
That's what energy drinks do to you
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there
An Ur
I like your style!
I've been abducted by an army of Harry Belafonte alien fans and they made experiments with me and then I just woke up in the middle of Karamja
What? Igerna is evolving...
Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake your body line!
Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake it all the time!
Congratulations! Your Igerna evolved into IGUANA!
That's what energy drinks do to you
Can I have some of what you're drinking please lol
Side effects may include: conga lines, demonic dreadlocks, building medieval bongos and being called Iguana by your fishing friends at Living Rock Caverns.
... Well, you can have a small sip
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there