Wtf... Adventure time is a cartoon and Resident Evil isn't anime. Would've liked to see the ones from actual anime, just to see if recognized the characters.
Anyways, hey Motherly.
Wish my school would do that. We have an anime club, but that's basically just an art club, no serious otakus.
^Neither do I, but I have one hell of a time learning them.
Well, it's late here and if I watch another episode of an anime I'll fall asleep and be speaking Japanese for the rest of my Sunday.
Oyasuminasai! (Oh God, it's already starting...)
Wish my school would do that. We have an anime club, but that's basically just an art club, no serious otakus.
Well we're the only school to have a convention in Wisconsin. :p Funny how people in the school are d'ouchebags, while people from the other schools who came are very nice. Maybe it's because I've known them for 1 day.... idk