Kiwi Magic
Thanks Rooh and Dong. My mum is bringing me food every few days. I have no pain relief because in my past I abused pain killers so I just have codeine. So now I just eat sleep and watch movies lol. Atm I'm watching a cool movie called The Ice Road with Liam Neeson. Its very good imo.
I'm about to watch Silence with Liam Neeson
I hope you have a speedy recovery Kiwi Magic. Yeah, the Ice Road is very good.
I mentioned it on the "What did you watch last night" thread. I'll look up Silence and see if its available on Prime. I enjoy most Liam Neeson films.
Wow, that's twice now Dong!
That's awesome.
It's a big thing this Covid and at the moment with the surge happening around the word the thread has become a little busier.
And what I'm proud of too, not to many hidden posts or problems; overall it's been a good topic thread thanks to the community
If fat means flavour then I'm ******* delicious!
22-Jul-2021 06:39:37
- Last edited on
22-Jul-2021 06:40:27
Dong U Dead
I've started playing RS for the first time in ages. I've been training Archaeology for the last few days and I'm at level 52. I want to be able to wear my Max cape so I have to get Invention from 88-99 and Archaeology from 52-99.
Archaeology is a great fun skill. So enjoy it Kiwi you will soon be 99 or if you want higher 120 or if you go to 200m exp. Keep up the great work.
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