I could ask you the same thing.
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
What if I intentionally messed it up and gave you the impression that you think you're a smart fella?
I do that shit on the regular in competitive Pokemon- just sayin'.
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
07-Sep-2017 00:32:59
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07-Sep-2017 00:33:37
Team Skull
very often amazed at how terribly seriously many people take this game.
I have read, with wide eyes, horrendous arguments between groups of role players; the constant bickerings of the Rares people; the bitter disputes on Update days....etc.
This thread, for example: 15-16-372-65945338
I mean, so what if you don't win a shiny sword (or whatever crap they're giving away).
I must be in the minority group who just thinks 'Meh' and carries on chopping logs whilst watching TV and not really caring at all. Just so long as no one messes with my logs.
Le Chat Guerrier
Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop
07-Sep-2017 03:32:46
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07-Sep-2017 03:34:10
FiFi LaFeles
FiFi LaFeles
1940s italy probably wasnt a fun place. i wouldnt know i wasnt there
Random !
its the only fascists i know of. idk how these modern day terrorists are fighting 1940s italy, but they dont seem to be doing anything useful
Old School
Nexus Origin
That's your response to "What look are you going for?" ?
I mean, you think you won because I answered a certain way when really I answered with an open ended remark.
You made the assumption I was answering the question: "What exactly are you going for?"
Something just tells me you really hate to be outwitted, especially by someone half your age. I think you're projecting your sociopathy onto me, if you were to ask for my opinion.
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
07-Sep-2017 06:40:15
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07-Sep-2017 06:40:49
Team Skull