No I don't have any health problems
Who should be concerned?
You see the thing is in the UK, where I live is by the sea and a poor area and there are these things called council houses which are often damp and they are owned by guess who, the council and guess who social services work for? The council so no they don't actually care but the house I am in is owned by an elderly lady and luckily she has a spare house she lives in, which I have no idea if it is clean or what, but this house has loads of kids in it all the time and see me, coming from a family who just literally build houses all the time and has renovated Victorian houses before cant be doing with black mouldy windows and curtains and damp walls and a Rottweiler bullmastiff cross dog. So even though these people are nothing to do with me, I just literally will sort their house out, unlike you who is just being a prize winning ahole to your own sister threatening her with the most useless disgusting vile worst thing you can ever do to a child, which actually now I am not talking to you any more since I never liked you anyway.
29-Aug-2017 13:06:05