In my area of Australia, I've had notes in my mailbox about "be aware of people setting poisonous traps for cats". My mum had a cat brutally injured (his face was hanging off as though he ran through a trip wire). When I first got my kitty, my next door neighbour kids had a friend over and we were talking about my cat, and the young boy (maybe 12) said out of nowhere something like "my dad would kill that cat if he caught it".
Some people are filth.
There was a period of time youtube was paying people to abuse animals... full on torture videos of cats, and dogs, and rabbits and anything really... nowadays the filth disguise themselves as animal rescue videos and be like "on no! The cat is trapped" and act like a hero saving them. They fooled me for a second but after watching the same guy make 10 rescues in a week I realised just how disguising some people are.
Whenever I get a video suggestion about an animal rescue I immediately report it and put them on do not recommend list.
All in all, this crackdown on cats is something different. Unlike animal cruelty scum, these proposed laws are about fines and authoritianism. The government's are slowly but surely tighten the noose on us all.
06-Jul-2021 05:29:26
- Last edited on
06-Jul-2021 08:51:35