Get lucky in life, and don't have a conscience generally. People earn huge salaries at the expense of other people... I don't agree with how 95% of companies make their fortune by charging extortionate fees. If you're an apple, Microsoft, Dell, a company that provides a good service for a decent price well done. If you re-sell something for a 50%'re what's wrong with the world. I could set up business where I sell items on behalf of other companies and make £10.000s every month....but that means every day folk are losing money, doesn't sit right with me.
I'm happy earning a reasonable amount working lots of hour's being a hard worker, how other people chose to earn money is their choice as long as its legal and they pay tax like the rest of us. Amazon/Starbucks paying 0.010% tax is a bit silly..
just my two pence
I wish I liked Quests as much as I love AFKing
04-Apr-2021 22:42:04
- Last edited on
04-Apr-2021 22:43:20
In the UK? Not sure how they'd do that as it wouldn't be a valid format here even with misshaping letters
Another renegade Rat-Lord from the Master pond of scum.