Icy Spring
Why don't you try one of my personal favorites, Boku no Pico?
Looked up the plot and that isn't really something I am looking for.
Fine if you enjoy it, though I am looking for something longer and a bit more appropriate.
God, I hate the term weeaboo, purely because everyone misuses it constantly. A weeaboo is not a person who watches anime, it's a person that thinks he knows everything about Japan just by watching anime and then proceeds to rub your face in what is in actuality a shallow knowledge of the country, often by wearing anime-related materials. So before you go insulting people with that god awful term, get your facts straight.
Vergil: with blue coloured western captains coat, white coloured Ozan hair, ornate katana, blue/red gaze, done
Piccolo: green skin colour change, kalphite emmisary antennae,purple recolour ceremonial dragon baggy pants, purple recoloured custom male bellytop from varrock
Diablo Arch-Angel: tier 4 Salvation,Sorrow hood in gold recolour/white ect depending on archangel, Templar Knight top in same colour as hood *Malfael Archangel of Wisdom ftw*, robe bottoms of similar colour.
Hawkeye Mihawk *Dracule Mihawk*: Gold gaze, musketeer/colonist/ cavalier hats in black colour, slayer cape,white 2h sword *gigantic* or Saradomin Godsword,black recolour top and bottoms of many kinds, sara neck.
Akatsuki members: Sorrow robe hood in red/executioner bottoms same,colloseum sandles, *need a japanese straw hat ingame darn it* and sorrow robe top in red
Super Saiyan: dragon hair/demon spike in gold, gaze in Blue *saiyans always have blue eyes when turned super, but gold also looks good* colloseum top/tropical top to show the typical muscles, not much else needed apart from baggy trousers like dragon ceremonial.
Captain of Gotei 13 *the Thirteen court guard squads in Bleach*: White recoloured Eastern Robe, prayer cape, black recoloured sorrow rob bottoms,katana of any three available.
Kurama-Narutos Nine-tail Demon Fox: fox mask *never!* xD red gaze,orange/red recolour fox outfit in general as the werewolf fur one has too much white, werewolf claws and paws from solomon/hati paws and boots
Mugiwara Luffy*straw hat Luffy*: red boater, red recoloured belly top form varrock store, blue shorts, bare feet/colloseum sandles,possibly pink gaze to help represent Gear Second.
Roronoe Zoro: Green hair ofc,katana of any three,black pirate bandana, white top *before timeskip* green robe top and bottom of many kinds *after timeskip* Red gaze to symbolise seriousmode: Onigiri! ;P *demon slash/claw*