Your further along with it than me then. Cant remember how far I got with it , but I got pretty fed up with waiting for a point that never deigned to show up.
Jesse B77
Your further along with it than me then. Cant remember how far I got with it , but I got pretty fed up with waiting for a point that never deigned to show up.
2dull4me more like. Even if the resolution is as deep as you claim (and I'm suspicious of the notion of 'depth' when it comes to the abstract. Same issue with modern art, you can slap any random thing down and people will still find ways to interpret it far further than the creator did) you still need to be able to carry the audience through to the resolution and maintain interest in the plot. You overpad the series deliberately skirting the point for to long and your going to lose people before they get to any particular payoff.
It hooked me from the first episode all the way to the end. It just depends on what interests you. I found it to be one of the most profound stories I've ever come across through any form of media. It's one of few anime I've seen that I would even consider being a "masterpiece", a long with another one of ABe's works, Texhnolyze.
When I say 2deep4u, I mean it as more or less as a joke.
21-May-2013 00:56:25
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21-May-2013 00:57:17
i Revive
ye im kinda leaning towards the 2dullforme side on lain enjoyed the 1st half quite a bit then the second half was just boring for me.
as for mirai nikkai (shrugs shoulders) eh i liked it despite not caring about any of the characters.
I'm going to watch Lain a second time to see if I can put some of the missing pieces together. Some parts in the second half started to go over my head and marathoning it probably didn't help.
Well I just finished Mouretsu Pirates today, for some reason I didn't watch it when it aired but that's beside the point. I went in not expecting much, as it just looked like moe girls in space but I was pleasantly surprised. It was mostly lighthearted but had its serious moments and was really fun to watch. I'd love to see more new space operas come out since it is one of my favorite genres, but I guess the people who like that kind of stuff are a minority nowadays.
Now I'm going back to 1974 to start the classic space opera Space Battleship Yamato.