Hmm... Anime I like
Nabari no *u
Code Geass
Death Note
Watched dbz when I was a kid, don't like it now, not sure if it's the anime or the fact that I watched everything there 5 times
Rurouni Kenshin started alright, didn't end as well though
Samuri Champloo
Yu-yu hakasho/inuyasha are the same deal as dbz
Darker Than Black
Kuros***suji--first season only
the hack// shows were alright
Fate/stay night
Black Blood Brothers
That's all I can think of off the top of my head that I got pretty into, I watched a lot of other ones and if any1 wants to just talk about it or discuss it (like if lelouch is dead or not in code geass) I'm up for it =p
I'm also open to suggestions to anime
23-Aug-2010 02:55:43