What's everyone's favourite anime? (if they are able to choose one)
I wasn't able to pick one until i saw Clannad. Watch it! (you'll ruin your life if you don't watch it in jap tho)
@Tru Tears: Im referring to the part in the first few minutes of the movie were Shinji's having one of his usual whining sessions to Asuka's while she's unconscious, and what follows after
As for whether i prefer End of Evangelion or the rebuild movies, ide have to say the Rebuild's. The stories are just as screwy and hard to understand as each other, but there are a few reasons i like the rebuilds over the original
-Rebuilds are more recent, and look/sound better therefore
-I like Asuka and Rei's personalities better in Rebuild
-Shinji complains less
I cant beleive some of the half-assed jobs professional translators/subtitlers do with anime and other such related media.
I swear they think that people arent going to know a speck of Japanese and as such can do really loose translations. I got my special edition english version of the visual novel Da Capo today, and half the time even the really obvious things in the speech dont match up to the text (stuff anyone can know, like honorifics).
I mean, its not a huge complaint or anything, but it certainly reflects negatively on the companies in question.
20-Apr-2011 14:04:37
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20-Apr-2011 15:32:37
Jesse B77
Jesse B77, sorry but have to hide your post on the previous page.... As that issue is offtopic, and has nothing to do with the subject of this sticky thread. It also entered the topic about political stuff, which isn't allowed here at the forums.
Please always remain on-topic, never derail the thread. Thanks.
20-Apr-2011 17:47:27
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20-Apr-2011 17:48:45
^I would have thought that laws related to illegal file distribution would be rather on topic in regards to anime, considering thats how about 70% of anime titles are consumed outside japan (excepting CR users of course, but how large a percentage do they make up) .
But anywho's...
Less than 24 hours to go until Madoka resumes airing, who's excited?
Bout time to, the wait has been killing me. I think I'll marathon episodes 1 - 10 tomorrow to remind myself of whats going on, shame i have to work...
20-Apr-2011 18:27:57
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21-Apr-2011 13:39:15
Jesse B77
So far, I've only watched Bleach - which is my absolute favourite - Naruto, Death Note and Strawberry panic.
I even started making some fan-art on deviantart