Winter break gave me a lot of time to catch up on my manga and anime, its too bad I have to go to school soon. Oh well.
I finished Heaven's Lost Property (Sora No Otoshimoru)- REALLY GOOD anime imo. Its sad, funny, random, and has action. Its really great and I can't wait to start season 2. It has easily became one of my favorites.
I also watched Working, loved the manga so I wanted to check out the anime, and I liked it XD worth my time, usually I dont go for slice of life genre animes but this one made me smile a lot. This show is very unique, I love it.
I finished Sekirei and Sekirei Pure Engagement. Awesome harem anime. Lots of fighting, fan service, and lols.
I finished Onegai Teacher. I honestly really didn't like it =/ sorry to fans of the show but it was really boring for me. I usually like romance animes but this one just wasn't for me I guess. I struggled to finish all 13 episodes...
In the manga category, I caught up with Highschool Of The Dead, One Piece, Soul Eater, and started Claymore (I dont know why I didnt start Claymore sooner...its really entertaining).
So was a good winter break lol and I hope everyone had a good one too.
03-Jan-2011 05:02:51
- Last edited on
03-Jan-2011 05:28:30