At any rate, I've decided I'm going to go through all the hentai that I've watched, make a full list, then make a seperate list with the ones which are actually good quality and not Shovelmedia crap. Will edit this post once I have the list.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
Just curious, anyone have an opinion on Red Data Girl?
I'm probably the only one here who has seen it, which I did as it was airing. Can't exactly remember anything specific about the series itself, but I do remember thinking it was underrated within it's current season. Its score is only 6.68 on MAL which is very low. Since most of the community overrates stuff, you can expect almost anything below a mean score of 7 to be trash. That being said I'd usually rate something like that at a 5 or below, but I gave Red Data Girl a 6/10. So I thought it was an "okay" series, well at least I did 4 years ago. But like I said, can't remember shit about it though.