I bought a smart white shirt for eldest son to wear when at his brother's wedding. His local shops didn't have any that he can put cufflinks in. They are going to look very smart! A grey morning suit ( the one with tails, hired of course
), purple waistcoat and tie and turquoise/blue cufflinks. The wedding colours are purple and turquoise.
Bought Assassin's Creed Valhalla this week (PS5 version). It looks shockingly gorgeous, and it's been loads of fun so far! I've already sunk around 12 hours into it and I've barely done any story quests.
Yesterday I got all my groceries delivered to my door from my local supermarket. I found it really useful because I'm an invalid at the moment lol, but its only temporary. It cost me an extra $15 for the delivery.
Make Your Own Magic
23-Jul-2021 21:26:16
- Last edited on
23-Jul-2021 21:27:35
Kiwi Magic
I just bought Gentlemen Jack and a bottle of Coke to go with my Sunday roast... leg of pork tonight. I'm eating alone so I'ma be fat tonight! Mmmmm Pork...
Dear God, please send the competition, feels like there ain't any.
I long lost count of the victories, there were just far too many.