Bought pepsi, jollyrancher, two candy bags, dr peppers, dumplings, kiwi drinks, ribena, orange juice, coco drink and 10 bonds which were used on unlocking a few cosmetics and gp.
Bought a drive way cleaner. It's like a weed strimmer but has a steel wire brush that cleans between the brick gaps. Does a great job as weeds vanish is seconds.
Comprehensive Account Security
Hot air gun for stripping paint off wood.
Hope this works as the door frames have decades of paint I suspect 50+ years on them.
Going to be hard work thats for sure.
Be careful stripping paint as old paint might contain lead.
I bought 3 new light pulls for the bathroom and shower room. They are bigger than the little plastic ends that came with the fittings so are easier to hold when you switch on/off the lights or shower power supply.
Be careful stripping paint as old paint might contain lead.
Yep and also my walls are old and when I take off the wall paper you can see the arsenic paint used many many years ago. Thats bad. I usually paint over it to seal it in first before putting on new wall paper.
Bought a New Memory foam pillow thats supposed to be extra spacial and very good for the old neck and back.