Had three slices of warm lemon pound cake with orange marmalade, a bowl of skyr with strawberries and raspberries, and a cup of coffee for breakfast this morning.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.
For supper tonight, I had fresh roast pigeon. Teach those damned winged rats to use my car as a porta potty. A nice salad, with a baked sweet potatoe, and green beans.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.