Runescape name: Anduxman7
How did you hear about LSPVM247?: Was part of the fc already, made it to 2 bananas a couple years ago already,
How many days a week do you PVM?: 2-3
On a scale starting with Giant Mole ending with AoD, how experienced are you in PvM? All but Solak, getting back in my feet after a temporary quit
Do you understand the rules of the FRIENDSCHAT and JAGEX? Yes
Are you willing to learn new bossing methods and new roles? Yes
Are you willing to learn new bosses and help others out who are in-experienced? Yes
Do you agree that if you break the rules in the FC that your temp add ''WILL'' be taken from you? Yes
Do you have access to discord (don't post user name here)? Yes
16-Apr-2020 19:03:03