Player name: Airton
Which Tier 99 Prayers do you own: Affliction (Magic)
Have you read all rules and follow them: Yes
Rank applying for: Smiley Rank
Are you on the FC Discord (If so see below): Yes
Discord Tag: Airton#1754
Solak Kill Count: 0
I was quitted, now im back and i want to learn solak! Have attempted around 4-5 times with a friend of mine, reached p5 but i failed to enter the portal as soon it spawned and we lost the kill...
I'm experienced at bossing, 1200kc 63hm vorago, done duos, 900telos kc, warden title, daredevil title 200+ raids kc, 5000 rax, 1600 rots, 541 aod... and i do 4taa.
23-Sep-2018 00:19:43
- Last edited on
23-Sep-2018 00:23:25