Very quick and easy Solak kill. Providers made it easy for me to know what to do and did the bulk of the work for the kill. The kill was enjoyable and everyone in the FC was polite and fun to be around. I didn't have to watch a guide or read much of anything before doing my kill as the FC members explained everything.
That was quite ezpz, went much much better than I thought it would. Risk of dying is nonexistent with these fellas, said when to use what, where to go, so everything was smooth af.
"Itnachos11" FC is a friends chat for PCing nothing because you're not allowed in.
This is a fantastic group of people who are friendly and have great patience with poor pvmers like me. They even gave me a share of the drop which was amazing considering they did 99% of the kill.
Thanks to them I now have a Solak kill and have regained my comp cape.
I recommend anyone after boss kills to use them. I definitely will for any other boss kills I need in the future.
Good price for solak leech well worth the price. Saved lots of headache of trying to learn very good group of pvmers that'll get you your kill guaranteed
Took the service for 90m for solak. it was quick easy and smooth, I mean idk how they do so much dps I really liked how pro the team is!. one of the members got a drop and I didn't know they give 5% off the drop to me which is really really really nice of them! I think it was 38m for off hand crossbow.
I like the honesty with this service, the smoothness, and how pro it is.