I am looking for someone who wants to Coinshare in an open world (no need to do instances).
Boss Name: Nex
My combat level: 138
My combat style: range
My armor: t90
weapons: t90
aditional info: no need to instance if we're lootsharing. we'll out dps the competition.
I am Looking for a Boss hunting team.
Boss Name: ed2/ed3
My Combat Level:138
My Combat style used:Mage
My Armour & Weapons used: tectonic/ seismic
CoinShare/LootShare: split unique
Additional Info: looking to learn ed1 aswel
We need a Boss hunting team member.
Boss Name: Bandos Bandos
Number of people needed:1-2 attackers
Combat Level:MAX Combat
Combat style needed:Attack
Armour & Weapons needed:Heavy
CoinShare/LootShare: Split
Additional Info: Message me IN GAME - Pharcast.
I am the tank and I have an elysian. I am max combat.
The real Pharcast.
We need a Boss hunting team member.
Boss Name: Bandos Bandos
Number of people needed:1-2 attackers
Combat Level:MAX Combat
Combat style needed:Attack
Armour & Weapons needed:Heavy
CoinShare/LootShare: Split
Additional Info: Message me IN GAME - Pharcast.
I am the tank and I have an elysian. I am max combat.
The real Pharcast.
JuSt A G4Me
I am Looking for a Boss hunting team.
Boss Name: ed2/ed3
My Combat Level:138
My Combat style used:Mage
My Armour & Weapons used: tectonic/ seismic
CoinShare/LootShare: split unique
Additional Info: looking to learn ed1 aswel
Yo man, I'm fully down for any of the Elite Dungeons! add me, I'll add you once i get online.
Ligmaosrs said:
I am Looking for Boss Hunting Friends.
Boss Name: Any
My Combat Level:138
My Combat style used: Range
My Armour & Weapons used: sirenic/ sgb
CoinShare/LootShare: split uniques
Additional Info: i have kc at every boss in runescape i am just looking for more friends who are active in the late nights as i work 3rd shift around 1am-9am eastern standard time.