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Dear Keyers,
I have been a customer fairly often, typically when I have DG daily. I like to pay for Warps and Occs. Usually there are no issues between me and any host, however I found the last one I went with to be quite rude.
Now before I go any further, I will own up to my part. I did not come
when called. I realize that it can sometimes mess people up. However I am very close to 99 fishing, and
made runes to teleport the moment I saw the GTE call. Maybe I was tired from work, but I never saw him call it.
But before I could explain, this was his reaction when talking about me. Which I addressed in a like fashion....sorry.
the rest of the conversation ended with the following:
me: "You think you're special? That others don't sell floors?"
him: "I wont sell to you anymore"
me: "Good"
him: "cya idiot"
Maybe the fault rests with me altogether. However as a customer, it's not right that I get that kind of reaction. I paid for 2x floors. GP may be easy for some, but not for me. I'm not enfeebled where I can't do floors, I'd just rather pay for a good time and to relax. Because everyone is so time crazed, and THAT takes the fun out of DG.
To go a step further, I have always liked you guys, and have thought you as high quality. Which is what you proclaim to be, and I have yet to ever be disappointed. Having said that, you are not the only sellers either. You also, no offense, charge the most. Which I don't mind, yet I don't want some kid throwing a fit at me because I'm not a perfect leech for the floors I
Give him a penalty or give me one. I don't care quite frankly, but thought you ought to know.