I wonder if you can help me? I have been working towards aura 4 and am at the final task which does not seem to register. ' Any port will do" Is this because I'm doing this solo? I've made the port and used it 3 times since i got the levels. I previously had potted to use one as well. If I need a team then I'd hire you.
Once you are in the floor, stay at base and keep an eye on the chat in case you are needed for levers, emotes, or portals. It is essential that you do not AFK for a prolonged period of time as this could delay the progress of the floor.
If any of the following are called, you must immediately go through the portal at base or use the group teleport (gt) spell:
- Called when the floor is finished.
Gt Levers/Gt levs
- Stand at a lever on the edge of the room and pull it when your host tells you to e.g. “pull” or “3” or “333333333”.
Gt emotes/Gt emo
- Copy the statue in front of you 3 times consecutively.
Gt portals/Gt ports
(warps only) - Your host will give directions for how to get to the middle. For example, if they say "E opps", enter the east facing portal and then enter the portal directly opposite to where you are standing, repeat until you reach the middle.
Don't pull me lol!