What do you guys reckon? and what benefits could they give?
The secondary doesn't have to be anima btw, I just thought they were 'fitting' with the name. Perhaps Necromancy will release a few new seeds and herbs into game that we can use?
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26-Jul-2023 14:43:00
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26-Jul-2023 15:14:51
With some firemaking rework being released one day, they probably could rebalance the existing sticks towards the newly tiered woods (and obviously introduce ones right now lacking).
Wouldn't say that two potions (one for low (11), one for mid levels (79)) would justify new herbs, it's better when they would repurpose some underutilized things for that matter (which I guess they will). For the standard potion they could use marrentil or tarromin, which only are used for two potions each, for the super variant they could use cadantine, which is only used for one singular potion.
I like the anima idea to be fair, but when it comes to that, we do not even have some arbuck based incense sticks right now.
(F2P) QoL v2
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26-Jul-2023 18:26:52
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26-Jul-2023 18:27:17