I am beyond perplexed by this thread.
For those few people OCD enough to care which direction they're facing(outside of interacting with actual game content), you can simply move away, then approach your partner in conversation from the direction they're facing. This results in the two avatars facing one another, without the constant "dance" circling mentioned in the OP.
I have actually been diagnosed with OCD, and even I find this suggestion to be a bit odd.
No support OP, I think dev time is probably needed more elsewhere.
@Lisaa_RS - Followed by @Runescape
- a 9000+ Member Discord Community |
Whaat. This suggestion just confuses me. Facing?! Struggling to do it? Whaaat?
Can't you just simply.. Step back, step forward and you're facing them? Or use an item on them like other people has said.
Right Clicking -> Face just seems as much more effort as quickly double clicking the floor to turn around.. Not to mention the more important things the staff team could be working on. ;p
I'd support just being able to dictate the direction we wish to turn. Period. There are actual, game related reasons to want to face another direction at times.
Get a Fixed Device and rotate yourself.
Use snowballs.
I think orb of orculus can probably do it too.
Or do what the guy above said.
Click on the floor and orient yourself.
An amateur game designer and community manager. (Not quite as chill when posting as a gamer)
A person who wants to go back in time, to the day before the EoC, start again from there, and
do it the right way
Design Doc: Colosseum of Zeah - 6v6 PvP Minigame
05-Jun-2016 14:43:10
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05-Jun-2016 14:43:57
Love the idea, but I think the face friend option SHOULD NOT appear when you right click unless you add it in settings, to me the right click option should be left for important things, also you could put it in the examine of the player, I support as long as its optional to put in the right click settings
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I think that even though this is a bit pointless, it would be good for some reasons
even though you can face them by using anything on them infinitly (exept bonds as they take them, and Christmas crackers as you wouldn't get them back