I have to pose the question of how much of the dated membership model is truly necessary these days with a dwindling player base mostly ruled by max 99+s accounts with either too much gp/time or only playing rs3 to maintain osrs membership through bonds via bossing.. pricing which has gotten worse over time (used to be $5cad/month is now $15cad/m or $9cad for 14d from buying a bond) & the restrictive nature of membership making it unattractive if you will for a new player to want to play f2p let alone buy into member.
I think opening rs3 to free play would bring new life into an old game on top of bringing more funding in through a freemium model, boosted treasure key sales and maybe even keeping the hero pass for it(bp's are fine if done right imo, rewarding the player with currency to re-buy it for e.g. boosting player retention)... BUT keeping the membership model, along with bonds in OSRS where they still make sense(though perhaps a bit expensive) and maybe derestricting some things in membership there like allowing f2p players to buy/equip skill capes if they're purchasable within f2p area limits(cooking for e.g.).
maybe controversially I think the best way to do this would be to remove bonds from rs3 but also remove membership restrictions allowing for anyone to play through the entirety of the game/skills thus bringing new life into the player base/economy.. (to be frank the freemium model is already half implemented despite the membership with cosmetics, herop, keys etc..)
freemium suggestions:
for $10cad/m as e.g.
runemetrics pro (not a separate $(should be free/included in mem anyway imo))
storage capacity (bonus over the default(current member size for e.g.)on top of $-able storage)
weekly treasure keys /stars? (lamps might be a bit much)
advanced ui customization/metrics/trackers?
monthly loyalty points/free cosmetics/pets/runecoins? etc.
maybe a special teleport menu (limited to x/day?)
Ik it's not likely to happen but maybe consider it..?
08-Oct-2023 18:53:48