this might take more than one post to completely hit the idea on the head.
to start off this idea is not just mine. Lightbreaker and Mutta420 helped me with this idea.
(from discord)
the idea i propose
the new invention item called the BLENDER.
other possible names may include mixer, food processor, B.L.N.D.R, and M.I.X.R.
acronyms can be be used but name will be a product of jagex created by jmods.
new invention item lvl 36 invention, 46 for upgrade.
creation process - base item
metallic parts - 50
crafted parts - 50
cover parts - 50
blade parts - 50
knightly component - 1
molten glass - 1
creation process - upgraded item
precise comp - 50
sharp comp - 50
brassican comp - 1
culinary comp - 1
base item effect -
unoted cooked food drops from monsters are turned into food pulp,
based on how much the food would heal if the player was 99hp,
rate of 1 pulp per 100 hp healed.
(ex. lobster heals 1200 at its 99hp value, which would give 12 pulp)
if the food value would result in a decimal it rounds down if it is below 51
and rounds up if its above 52
(ex. tuna heals 750, this would result in 7 pulp and not 8)
upgraded item effect -
noted and unoted cooked and uncooked food from monster drops are turned into food pulp,
based on how much the food would heal if the player was 99hp,
uncooked food turns into pulp at half its food value if it was cooked,
uncooked food value always rounds up,
rate of 2 pulp per 100 hp healed.
(ex. cooked tuna gives 7 food pulp, uncooked tuna gives 4)
exception to rules fury shark will only take account of its in cmb heal which is 2475
thus resulting in 25 food pulp.
one smoothie requires 100 food pulp to create.
non stackable item.
smoothie creation - cocktail shaker, 100 food pulp (herb if you want added effect)
no beer glass needed even though smoothies are shown in a beer glass icon.
base smoothie no herb effect - +1500hp, +5adren ,+25%run energy. (no cooldowns effected)
pssst....we know who you are. Hail Sithis!
12-Dec-2023 04:08:32