5. On the topic of POH, I know I currently only use POH to repair gear when I need to. I occasionally take one of the portals, but it's rare as I don't like two loading screens. There are lots of things that may be useful to have in a POH that might could grant additional bonuses depending on construction level. I've listed a few examples below.
- A ritual site. All of us who have completed the 99 necromancy guide know that the struggle of being at the ritual site with other people is annoying and might be better if we could have our own space to handle ritual events. You could even tie the ritual site decorations to certain gods and require the items (e.g. urns) could be filled with something reminiscent of certain gods in Runescape. For Zamorak, you could use infernal ashes. For guthix, you could use a mix of herbs. For saradomin, you could use archeology items (like the star). Each god could give unique bonuses to personalize the ritual experience.
- A smithy. While there are plenty of smithies in Runescape, making use of some the blank space in the POH to aid in skills could be useful. Players could customize the smithy with different items for different effects. As an example, Zammy could increase completion speed by 2% for items. Guthix could grant 3% extra xp at the cost of an increased time required of 1%. Plenty of ways this could go.
- A herbarium. This would specifically be used for players to make potions with certain potions being boosted depending on the god chosen.
Zamorak gives strength, but Saradomin gives patience. Both are needed, but Guthix is dead.
19-Sep-2023 03:23:00