Basically, I'd love if in addtion to being in your clan chat, a guest in another clan chat and in group chat, you could be in more than just the one friends chat at a time, there are some really awesome friends chats out there! I wouldn't mind being able to hang out in more than just the one, as someone who has two of the best friends chats out there I can hop between at will, I know this feeling
Just hope it's technically possible...
200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left
Some players might want to be in more than the one
, so for some there may be a reason
200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left
There is no reason to be on at so many chats!
How would you know? You haven't played the game in years, not on your troll account anyways.
Modest Skillers
T7 Citadel | Skilling clan recruiting players. °l||l°
Cwar United
for CW games/Ardy task/Trim req. •ï¡÷¡ï•
120 Summoning Familiar ideas
I think an improvement for Runescape Mobile chat would be beneficial to the community! I am sure many players would agree. The old school runescape mobile application can use a few improvements.
I think multiple guest clan chat would be nice
Issue 1. Few issues tho with a person, you talk to them on both chats people will get confused if they are not on both and if you have 10 guest channel then someone will overhear you on the other chat and continue weird mid convo convo
Issue 2. Overcrowding of popular clans
Issue 3. overcrowded chatbox unless you split them which some people might not have a large screen enough for.
I dont see much use of being in multiple fc, as fc are meant for doing a specific activity and not socializing normally unless your waiting for hm rago team to be made but your ready to ditch if you can find a ba team?
urn bag!
hits-plats fix
Pretty sure those are just personal issues that a player who is having them can quite easily sort out if needed, although I do see where you are coming from
200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left