Hmm lets see why i like this game:
Positives: worked for years on end earnt lots of coins and made rs friends. Game provided a sense of achievement and something i enjoyed until some players i've became friends with
The negatives outweigh the positives though: most of the friends" i've met broke my heart. Had like 3-5 close rs friends for over 5 years, First one took away 554m after "borrowing it" in 2011, another one after trusting eachother for so long, suddenly one day he asked to borrow 2B and then he never returned it. Recently (2014) i've worked my way up to a red partyhat and the amount of beggars and rude people just after my money discouraged me from social interactions in the game completely. Eventually i got lured for the red partyhat by a irl friend which obv am not friends with anymore. Jagex obv didn't catch him and the cheater walks free preying for his next victim. I still got his username not that it matters . I still make money to this day but will never get back the time lost making the money which i lost. It's a shame that the lesson out of this is to never be too kind.
As mentioned before, the worst part is he still walks unpunished and this is where Jagex the company come into play. I'll admit there have been times Jagex has been a good company and community friendly but in my eyes besides the community events they do, they can certainly do better in terms of handling customer support on accounts etc. Also some updates they've done e.g removing free trade and wilderness in 2007 and eoc from 2012 i don't approve on, as well as the constant mtx promotions.
All in all, to each their own - the game's enjoyment varies with each individual depending on the experiences the player has.
18-Feb-2017 11:04:36