I've enjoyed being a part of the FC for Mod Mark, all the conversations have been intelligent and helpful, and the FC is very good at keeping undesirables out.
Thanks for having a great FC that's fun to use and open to those who aren't J-Mod's.
This post has been brought to you by Zand*r!
Try Zand*r today!
You're the first Local Mod I've been in contact with haha, thanks for your response and for passing on the message
This post has been brought to you by Zand*r!
Try Zand*r today!
Been in the fc for a while now, like 2 years? in & out
Because i had a role in a bossing community called LSPVM247 (
shout out btw
After that i re-joined Mark's FC i made so many friends in that chat, even players from two years ago!
Made me look old Lmao!
Shout out to everyone showing up in the FC, the ranks, the non ranks and especially Mark for the well and alive FC
It's spelled just like his rsn ( Mod Mark ) hope to see you around
Boris D
Thanks for sharing this info! I'll have to join his FC? What's the official name? I'd love to eavesdrop.
Currently hunting the new halo…