I left the game shortly after maxxing because everything and every update was min-max and only focused on the 1% pvmers, I wholly expected Necromancy to be a weak/dead on arrival skill as most things have been on release so I didn't play. I canceled my membership and moved on. 4 months later I hear from people that Necromancy is actually powerful and useful. I'm glad to say thank you for this one Jagex, the game was too balanced and too boring before. every boss was just a lag test and a memory game thanks to necromancy being powerful I can actually get out there and boss. I'm learning the older bosses first like GWD1 and GWD2, thanks to the confidence I've gained from Hermod being a simple fight I'm actually getting into bossing and getting back into the game. this is what runescape has sorely needed for nearly a decade. more lower level content and to bring down the challenge ceiling for the majority of bosses/the game. too many people saying "too easy, make it harder, make it more challenge" ruined the game and you definitely needed to listen to the masses and make content for the rest of us. not just the youtubers and twitch streamers.
Thank you Jagex for not nerfing Necromancy. I seriously can't wait for you to buff the other skills to bring them up to the power of necromancy!
03-Jan-2024 01:03:47