how is jagex going to ruin one of the best money-making monsters in the game for non pkers. give the complete advantage to pkers with this 2 second teleport restriction. what jagex basically did was take all the challenge away from pkers. non pkers are fish in a barrel at this point. it was hard enough to stay away from pkers and now you don't even have a chance to get away. other than praying the pker messes up at the stairs or you get a gap. if not. your screwed. so, in my option jagex should switch things back because i guarantee that the rev caves are gonna be dead from now on. I'm never going back unless I'm going back as a pker because now I would have the complete advantage over any player in revs caves. i thought this update was horrible and alot of people share my option. if anyone feels this way, please speak up so we can get this switched. sincerely bloodhound 4
bloodhound 420
12-Aug-2022 11:09:25