A minute area of illumination on a display screen, one of many from which an image is composed.
Photographs and videos of real women are made of pixels too you morons!
ok first thing i want to say is 'this thread is great, it actually made me LOL'
secondly, i think gertrude has a certain cat lady hotness about her. and anyone who throws their 'cat' around like she does is definately hot in my book haha
People who are calling others pathetic or telling them to 'get a life' for finding characters attractive are dumb. It doesn't make you sad for finding a woman attractive, even if they aren't real. It doesn't mean we fantasize about pixelated women all day, because then THAT would be strange. We're just normal people, and yes, I like real girls too. There's certain ways that characters are drawn/rendered that appease to the senses of men and women. It's quite normal, really.
On that note, here's some characters I find attractive: (that aren't on the list already): Shooting for both genders here.
Mavis Grey
Female Barbarians
Gypsy Aris was kind of cute before her graphical update that made her an old hag.
Surgeon General Tafini
Sir Vant
Darren Lightfinger
Beefy Bill (He's so fluffy!
That's all I can name at the top of my head.
But OBVIOUSLY we all know the hottest girl is The Face!