earlier on i completed an easy clue scroll and got some
flared trousers
3.6m on GE
. as an ironman thats useless to me but
1.2k high alch price
is just disgusting. that should have been a huge reward early on but instead ive been punished. it hardly seems fair. irons are self sufficient yet constantly being penalised by little details like this.
please change these even if the high alch for the rare drops from clue scrolls is 10% of GE at least its slightly rewarding, or limit this change to only on ironman accounts.
this was a massive deterrent for doing any more scrolls
*edit* i dont see anyway this could be manipulated by clue bots either because theyre found by stats, amount of scrolls completed and would only be earning less gp. generally it just seems like an all around positive quality of life change.
07-Jun-2023 06:41:11
- Last edited on
07-Jun-2023 06:43:53