Recent prices
Drygores: 60b/57b/37b - 34b/36b/35b- r/l/m
Ascensions: 170s/193b
Seismics: 260b / 385s
Noxious: 302b / 125b / 134b- sc/b/st
Telos: 705b / 1890b /417b- gs/b/st
Praesul: 1048b/ 665b
Khopesh: 183b / 319b
Blightbound: 1020b/ 1445s
Spears 100b / 392b
T80+: 545b/ 558b / 307b m/b/st
T95: 1100s/1229s
Items over Max cash are listed with most recent trades, use these as guides.
Recent trades are on the left followed by older*
Eldritch cbow 2147s
2600, 2740, 2825, 2737
Staff of Armadyl 2147s
5850, 6150, 6150, 5100, 5000, 5000, 5400, 5700, 6550, 6200,
I bought this baby, straight cash
11-Oct-2021 07:36:31